With the global climate crisis looming large, it's time to start thinking about how we can be more eco-friendly in our daily lives. Making small changes to our routines and habits can go a long way in reducing our carbon footprint and preserving our planet for future generations.

Branch with leaves with light shining from behind it

Being as eco-conscious in as many ways as possible is really at the heart of everything we do, encouraging reuse of packaging as well as using easily recyclable packaging and sustainable raw ingredients. You can see all the ways we’re reducing the impact on the environment on our page, our commitment to the environment.

If you’re looking for ideas, here are just 10 small changes you can make to be more eco-friendly at home:

Use reusable bags

Eco friendly shopping bag with products around it shot from overhead on white background

Instead of using single-use plastic bags for your shopping, invest in some reusable bags. Consider small tote bags that fold down within your handbag or ‘bags for life’ for your food shop. Consider leaving them right by your door so you remember to make it habit to grab on your way out.

Switch to reusable water bottles

Instead of buying plastic water bottles, invest in a reusable one that you can refill throughout the day. One benefit to a reusable water bottle is you can carry with you and track your water intake easily – I have a pink one that is never far from my side and I end up drinking so much more water as a result.

Compost food scraps

If you are lucky enough to have outside space, instead of throwing food scraps along with your general waste, start a compost pile in your garden. Composting not only reduces waste, but it also creates nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

Reduce water usage

Simple things like turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or taking shorter showers can help to conserve water. Along with these, resist the urge to run either the dishwasher or washing machine unless you have a full load to make the most of your water usage.

Use energy-efficient light bulbs

Switch to LED light bulbs, which are more energy-efficient and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs and of course, be sure to turn off the lights in any rooms you’re not using.

Unplug electronics when not in use

Electronics like TVs, computers, and game consoles continue to consume energy even when they're turned off. Switch off your plug sockets or unplug when they're not in use to save energy.

Install low-flow showerheads and taps

These fixtures can significantly reduce the amount of water you use without sacrificing water pressure.

Buy locally sourced food

If you can, look at local farmer’s markets and purchase food that's locally sourced and in season to reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation as well as supporting local farmers. We get our dairy products delivered right to our home every week rather than buying them from the larger chain supermarkets to support local dairy farmers.

Plant trees

Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, making them one of the most effective tools we have for combating climate change. Planting trees in your yard or in your community can help to reduce your carbon footprint.

Reduce meat consumption

The meat industry is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing your meat consumption, even if it's just for one day a week, can help to reduce your carbon footprint.

There are always things we can do and being eco-friendly at home doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. By making small changes to our routines and habits, we can all do our part to preserve our planet for future generations. Start with one or two of these changes and see how easy it can be to make a difference.


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10 Easy Ways to be more Eco-Friendly at Home

March 12, 2023 — Kimberly Duran